Medi Achimed Achilles Tendon Support

CEP Compression
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Medi Achimed Achilles Tendon Support

The Achimed is a specially designed Achilles Tendon support with integrated anatomically correct silicone pad.

Injury Prevention & Protection:

  • Acute and chronic inflammation of the Achilles tendon
  • Post-traumatic and postoperative inflammation
  • Achillodynia
  • Achillobursitis

How does it work?/Mode of action
Achimed causes a massage effect, which supports perfusion, by interacting with compressive knitted fabric and the two integrated silicon inlays. This effect furthers the decline in swellings and bruises. Irritation and pain are relieved. Simultaneously the muscular control and the inherent stabilisation of the ankle joint improve.
Supports cause the greatest effect during physical exercise.

Donning/fitting instructions
Wrap over the upper part of the support till the outside edge of the silicon inlay.
Take hold off the support in the middle of the silicone inlays and pull it over the foot till the heel part fits tightly.
Turn back the upper part of the support and correct the fit if necessary. It fits properly if the seam runs over the middle of the heel and the Achilles tendon is noticeably embedded in the groove in the inlay.
IMPORTANT: always wear both supports simultaneously in your shoes to ensure the same leg length. Once the acute symptoms subside the supports should be used alternately (e.g. every 2 hours) as you see fit and not worn gradually to accustom the tendon to normal loads.

Wearing directions
In principle, the support can be worn all day. However, this depends on how comfortable the support is to wear. The support should be taken off for longer breaks (e.g. sitting for a long time or a long car drive, sleeping). If you suffer excessive pain or discomfort during wear, please take off the product immediately and contact your doctor or specialized shop. The support is suitable for use in water. After use, please rinse out the product thoroughly.

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